Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Monday, June 7, 2010

5 Month Wessy

Wesley came to visit last weekend, and of course I couldn't keep my camera away! He has changed soo much in the 13 weeks since I last saw him. There is so much character and personality behind his eyes, and so much love and life in his smile and giggle! This little boy is so loved and so happy and joyful! It's hard to keep a straight face around this little flirt! Enjoy....

Wessy is so advanced with his tummy time! It's amazing how close he is to rolling from his back to his tummy and even crawling doesn't seem too far away! ;)

Love this!

These two father-son pictures are very telling of their blooming relationship! ;)

Seriously dad?

This is perfect... Kim looking lovely, David modeling? And Wes seriously checking out his feet! ;)

Gotta love some mommy time!

Those sweet baby feet are getting bigger!

So cute! He knows where mommy is and he tilts his head back so he can see her! :)


Such a smiley, happy boy!

Gorgeous, pensive, dreamy blue eyes!

He's got his pouty lip down! :)

Sweet, sweet boy! I love you Wessy! I miss you already!

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