Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Eisemann Extended Family Shoot

It was such a privilege to capture this lovely family against such a beautiful backdrop.  We met down by the Cherry Blossoms in DC a few weeks ago, and were blessed with small crowds and beautiful trees and weather.  It was so neat to see three generations all together and to photograph this stage of life for such a sweet family.  Please enjoy a few of my favorites!

The whole crew

How cute are these two?!

A few of just grandparents and their babies.

The proud uncle.

Oh how I love this!

So cute!

She was seriously checking out my camera! 

Love this family!

Love birds! :)


More love birds

Just sweetness!

Mom and Dad and their boys

Typical brothers

These three were not easy to catch...

Micah taking some steps to Grandpa!


Thanks again for meeting with me and taking the time to get all of these taken.  I really enjoyed spending the morning with all of you!  I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.  

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