Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kayla: Senior Pictures

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting up with Kayla and her mom to take Kayla's senior pictures.  We were fortunate to have a beautiful evening with beautiful surroundings and awesome light!  Wait till you see Kayla's amazing red hair!
Kayla, I hope you have a wonderful senior year!  Try to enjoy it, because it will fly by.  I hope that you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!


Look at that light on her hair!  Amazing!

I love me some cowboy boots!


A quick outfit change and we went down by the water

Then we got a few mother-daughter shots

You know you like their matching boots! ;)

I loved the roof on this gazebo!

One of my favorites!

Beautiful filtered light!

Ok, no maybe this is my favorite!

Just a couple more mother-daughter pictures to end our time.

Thanks so much for letting me spend the evening with you and capture this special time! 

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