Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Myer Family

What a privilege it was to get to document a new chapter in this beautiful family's life!  I have known this family from a distance at school.  Unfortunately, I have yet to get to teach one of the Myer kids, but this year that just might change! :)  This family is beautiful inside and out!  I had so much fun capturing the love and joy that is so obvious in each member of this family!  Enjoy..

Oh how I love sweet curled up little babies!

He was so alert!  He was fixated on the camera!

So, so precious!

Can't beat perfect little baby feet!

Hi, Eric!

Kisses from big sis!

Check out those eyebrows!

What a stud!

You gotta have one angry one!  That lip! ;)

Sweet sisters!

This just makes me smile!

Oh did I mention that Eric has three big sisters!  So much fun!



4 little hands

Then we drove down to to Millwood Country Club, which is beautiful!

Sweet Reagan!

Pensive Maggie!

Oh so precious!

I. Love. This!!!!

Beautiful girls!

I really couldn't have asked for more beautiful scenery or light!

Individuals of the girls for the grandparents! ;)



Sweet baby hair!

And a couple mother-son shots!

Thank you so much Myer family for letting me spend the morning with you!