Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Cesnik Family

I think it is perfectly fitting to have a Christmas themed post on a beautiful snowy day like this one.  I am so pleased that I got to photograph this beautiful, energetic family.  We had been trying to schedule this shoot since before Thanksgiving, but the weather wasn't cooperating, then last Thursday it was 68 degrees and perfectly cloudy!  The girls were so much fun to chase around and I loved being able to capture their innocence and joy at this stage of their lives!  I hope that you enjoy these photos and the lovely family in them!

Precious girls!

Who knows what secrets Ellie might be sharing with Anne Walker! ;)

I love this sequence!  Sweet sisters!

Gotta have a few of just Mom and Dad!

I love this!  Such a sweet little family!

The girls escaped and so it was a process of trying to get them back for a few more family shots.  But the process made for some pretty cute shots as well!


Pure joy!  So awesome!

Sweet, sweet, sweet!

Seeing a theme yet? ;)

Every time I see this shot, it catches my breath!  Ellie, you are so gorgeous sweet girl!

Sweet girls with the tree

We managed to get a few more family shots

I love these next three!  They are so much fun!

Then we let the girls run!  So stinkin' cute!

Fun with Daddy!

Like I said before, gorgeous!

Little sis is right there with her!

Some seriously beautiful girls!

What's better than a precious red head in a bunch of leaves?  Can't think of anything at the moment. :)

This is in the running for my favorite for sure!  So pure and innocent!
So sweet!

A couple of last minute family shots

This was literally as we were walking back to the house! :)


This was the last shot I took, and I love it soo much!
Thank you again Cesnik family for allowing me to capture these images for you!  I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blake's birthday party/ 1 Year portraits

This is really more personal than professional for me!  But I want to make sure it reaches a lot of people!  This precious boy has stolen my heart as well as so many others in his one year of life.  He has also gone through a lot more than most people do in their entire life in only one year.  Despite all of his setbacks and struggles, he has always demonstrated incredible amounts of joy and happiness and inspired everyone who knows him!  I couldn't be prouder of Blake and his beautiful family for enduring and trusting Christ through this at times incredibly difficult year!  I am so thankful for your friendship and for your unwavering testimony of Christ and His love and grace!

Pure joy!

Blake got so many nice gifts!

So excited about his new ball!

Sweet boy!

Precious little stud showing off his two belly buttons!

Getting ready for cake!

Love this of proud Aunt Bb!

Hanging out with Nana

Kim rocked yet another cake!

Ready to dive in!

Love this moment!

Checking it out

And then he dove right in!

Love these silly ones!

This is definitely one of my favorites!

Yes, he even had it in his ears!

After a bath, we did some official 1 year portraits!

He is definitely one of the most dapper young fellas I know!

So, so precious!


It was hard to get Wesley to stop playing to get a few pictures, but we managed a couple, even though he was still chewing his cookie!  Love these blue-eyed boys!

Oh, pure sweetness!

Kim's mini-me!

Love this so much!!!!

So glad we could get the whole family!

So blessed!

A few of just Mommy, Daddy and Blake!


So proud of you guys!  We love you so!

There's a reason these are our best friends!  We have a lot in common! ;)

So blessed to call you my friend!  Thanks to my awesome hubby for grabbing this!

And a couple with Daddy!

So much fun!

Perfect precious gift from God!

Happy Birthday Blakey!  Can't wait to see how much you grow and amaze us all in your second year!