Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hassmer Maternity: Baby Boy 2!

I was so excited first that our dear friends were blessed to be expecting another sweet baby boy, and second that I would get to shoot another maternity session for them!  We had to split it up into two days, but I think overall we got some really beautiful stuff that hopefully captures life for them right now!  We love you Hassmer family, we are blessed to be in your life!  We can't wait to meet sweet Baby Blake in a little over a month!

Sweet baby shoes!

Wesley practicing sharing
He's gonna be such a great big brother!

Beautiful light... beautiful mama!

One of the most beautiful pregnant women I have ever met!

Beautiful mama relaxing after her shower!
Checking on his brother.
Love the joy!
And then this past weekend, we met up with the Hassmers to finish up the shoot and include David in some of the shots as well.  Unfortunately, Wesley took a pretty nasty tumble right before we started shooting, and scraped up his face, nose and forehead.  He handled himself well, but it meant we had to be pretty strategic about the shots that we got.

We definitely took advantage of the beautiful light and foliage all around us!
Poor boy, still managed to have quite a bit of fun on all the playground equipment!


Happy mama!

Being silly!
Preggo Shadow!

They are truly blessed!

No wonder they make such gorgeous boys!
Sweet Mommy kisses
Just like one from Wesley's newborn shoot!
Pretty excited that we were able to get these since Wesley is a little afraid of heights.

Silly boys!

Well Mommy's pretty silly too!

He did it!
 A little belly comparison!

Blake has no idea how much fun his family is!  What wonderful parents you are and will continue to be to this new sweet blessing!  Love you all so much!