Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blake Everett Hassmer!

Let me start by apologizing for the lateness of this post.  Sweet little Blake is now a month old and I can't wait to see him again in a few days and get some more pictures.  However, these pictures were taken when he was 5 days old and he was and is the most precious little bundle!  He is so very blessed to be in his family!  He has two amazing parents and an incredibly sweet big brother who love him like crazy and are enjoying getting to know him.

Wesley loves his little brother 

Oh I could just eat him!

Precious, precious brothers!

David's such a sweet Daddy!

A sleepy little smile hidden behind his hand.

Sweet boy holding his hands.

You certainly make good looking boys friend!

Tiny boy in Daddy's hands.

Skin to skin with Mommy!

Nose nuzzles!

Baby in a basket!

Seriously, you guys look so good considering how much sleep you weren't getting! ;)

Whole lotta love!

Perfect tiny toes!

Holding onto Mommy!

Love that newborn belly button!

Perfect little foot!

Blake has wonderfully long ear lobes!  I love them!

Snuggles with Daddy!

I love you Hassmers and I'm so glad we get to do life together.  I look forward to many more years of capturing memories for each other.  Can't wait to see you all soon!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Warner Family

I have known the Warner family ever since I first started working at First Presbyterian Weekday School in 2008.  Unfortunately I never got to have one of these amazing kids in one of my classes.  However, I got to know them on the playground and at various school events, and I'm pretty much crazy about them.  They are such a sweet and genuine family and they are wonderful to be around.   I think these pictures pretty much speak for themselves, but we had a lot of fun and we got these in right before Sandy hit, so we still had lots of leaves on the trees.  I'm so glad that I got the opportunity to work with you guys, and I hope that I get to do it again in the years to come!  I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

A few years ago, they got pictures similar to these before the truck was painted, so we tried to mimic those here.

Gorgeous kids right?!

The truck is gorgeous John!
We had to squeeze the whole family into the truck!
My husband was drooling!

They are such a good looking family!

So glad the trees still had color on them!
Had to get a few of the kids by themselves!  Pete's smile is totally infectious!
Carrie is just beautiful!
I said we had fun right? ;)
Carrie scoped out all the best spots around the yard!  She was so helpful!

This is definitely one of my favorites!

Then the kids wanted to get on the trampoline!  So, while they were getting out some energy, I snagged some shots as fast as I could! :)
Carrie was really good at the cartwheels!
And Pete was a little daredevil!
Then we tried for some together!
Not sure which of these I like best!

Then we took a rest against the fence!

Had to get a couple of Mom and Dad!

Seriously guys, it's no wonder your kids are so gorgeous!
Pete is quite an adventurous driver!
Carrie climbed a tree!

This is Pete's 'What you lookin' at?' face
Then Pete climbed the tree.
So we got them together in the tree!
Then we threw in Mom and Dad!  And I think this might be my other favorite!

Throwing leaves!
Sibling bridges!
Then Carrie wanted one last picture with Dad!
I really think Carrie could have kept posing for me for the rest of the night if I had the time.  You guys are wonderful!  Thanks again!