Capturing Little Moments That Matter

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


While Raymond and I are still waiting to buy our first house, we definitely have a home. Our home is with each other. Raymond has been my home for 5 years now. Wherever he is I am safe and loved and that is everything I need in a home and more. And because posts are always better with pictures, here are a couple of my Love and our sweet little girl!
I am so blessed!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Shy Little Scaredy Cat!

I believe I mentioned my sweet little Max would be making regular appearances here, so here she comes again! I may not have told you before, but our little girl is scared of everything... the doorbell, Raymond walking down the stairs etc. So, catching her hiding behind the curtains is no new thing, but she's just so stinkin' cute!!

Hiding from daddy!

Seriously? She's so pretty!

Enjoy the beautiful weather friends!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Spring is here which means Summer is coming fast! It's time to start booking family shoots while the weather is gorgeous! Send me a message on Facebook, or an email! I can't wait to get out in the sunshine with my camera and some happy families! Can't wait to meet you!!
And because every post is better with a picture, this is what I do for my preschool kids! Let it never be said that I don't go all out!! ;)
For April Fools we had Wacky Outfit day in our class! In case you can't tell, I'm wearing one Halloween earring and one Christmas earring!

Note the two different flip flops with toe socks.

I love my teaching job and my kids!

I promise I'll wear something nicer for your session! ;)